Re: Helen Salisbury: GPs and the fallout from patient research

I Agree

Dear Editor

I am writing to strongly support Helen Salisbury’s insightful opinion piece titled “General Practitioners and the Repercussions of Patient-Oriented Research.” As a fellow General Practitioner (GP) practising in Southport, I wholeheartedly concur with her observations and concerns regarding the challenges GPs encounter in navigating the complexities of patient-focused research.

Salisbury’s article poignantly highlights the potential pitfalls associated with patient-oriented research, particularly when GPs are not adequately integrated into the design and implementation of such initiatives. She astutely identifies the issue of test result discrepancies, a matter that has also come to my attention in my practice. The recent upsurge in patient anxiety surrounding OFH cholesterol measurements, which often differ significantly from locally conducted laboratory tests, has placed an undue burden on GPs.

This is not merely a matter of convenience or professional responsibility; it is a matter of patient safety and well-being. Unwarranted interventions, fuelled by inaccurate test results, can have serious consequences for patients’ physical and mental health. Moreover, the absence of clear communication channels between OFH clinics and GPs exacerbates the situation, leaving patients bewildered and GPs struggling to provide adequate care.

Salisbury’s call for greater GP involvement in patient-oriented research is timely and essential. GPs are the front-line healthcare providers with a deep understanding of their patients’ needs and the nuances of their communities. Their expertise and insights are invaluable when designing and implementing research initiatives that are both effective and relevant to the patient population.

Furthermore, active engagement of GPs in research can positively impact the perception of general practice among medical students and graduates. By showcasing the intellectual and practical contributions of GPs to the field of medicine, we can foster a renewed appreciation for the role of general practice in healthcare delivery.

I applaud Helen Salisbury for bringing these critical issues to light. Her article serves as a wake-up call to researchers, policymakers, and healthcare administrators to recognize the indispensable role of GPs in patient-oriented research. By working together, we can ensure that future research initiatives are well-designed, rigorously conducted and aligned with patients’ and healthcare providers’ needs and priorities.

I look forward to continued dialogue and collaboration on strategies to effectively address these challenges and promote a more patient-centred research approach.


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Wednesday, November 22, 2023 – 18:44
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Re: Helen Salisbury: GPs and the fallout from patient research

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The Grange Surgery, Birkdale
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