Re: How climate change is changing dengue fever

I Agree

Dear Editor,

It is acknowledged that the incidence of dengue fever increases during certain weather conditions of which the monsoon is an important example in the South Asian region.

Increased rainfall causes a surge in the number of dengue cases, but an increased population of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito is only one of the many factors contributing to this surge.

In these rainy seasons, there is a change in human behaviors and sleeping practices leading to an increased risk of mosquito bite. Working extra hours in the field to pursue more crop gains, sleeping in open fields due to the increased working hours and little knowledge and few protection kits put the masses at a greater risk.

Changing the climate conditions may not be practically possible or efficient, but education of the people along with a healthy change in behavior leading towards an increased protection from mosquito bites along with adequate availability of protection kits can help significantly reduce the number of dengue cases.

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Thursday, November 16, 2023 – 20:26
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Re: How climate change is changing dengue fever

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Multan, Pakistan
Nishtar Hospital Multan Pakistan
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