Dear Editor,
Types and modalities of health care delivery have undergone a slow but steady change post technology advancement and restrictive situations as during covid pandemic and thereafter.
Choices and preferences amongst the patient community differ widely depending on the clinical condition, its chronicity and course. The patient profile equally matters —pain, mobility or frailty. A broader observation is that a mixed / interchanging schedule is preferred – neither center / hospital frequent visits nor virtual always without personal satisfaction of being clinically assessed. Primarily concerned or preoccupied with personal care, it is the health authority / organization’s take on carbon emissions as a policy. The effects are measurable and modifications and improvisations are possible, considering hospital / health care establishments’ environments matter. Patient / families are amenable and offer cooperation in general in the interest of better and safe health services.
Dr Murar E Yeolekar, Mumbai.
Re: Virtual appointments—embracing the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions mustn’t widen health inequalities