American life
US Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health produced by the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, has found that on almost every comparative….
US Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health produced by the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, has found that on almost every comparative….
How can you treat a young person who is exhibiting the first signs of psychosis? Mabel Chew talks to Professor Tim Kendall a consultant psychiatrist and director of the National….
In this practice special podcast, Timothy Wilt, professor of medicine at Minneapolis VA Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research, explains how to talk to patients about prostate cancer screening. Benjamin….
The Francis report into care standards at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust was published this week. Triggered by deaths at a hospital in England, Robert Francis QC was appointed by….
The BMJ held a round table in January 2013 to discuss the future of primary care in England and Wales. The wide ranging topics included out of hours care, commissioning,….
How involved are doctors in the non medical aspects of patient care? An analysis on this week examines the problem of nutrition and fluid balance in hospitalised patients. Helen….
Of the myriad of clinical decision support tools, what features actually improve patient outcomes? Pavel Romanov, medical student at Western University in Canada, discusses his research. Also this week: Is….
In the wake of the Francis report, the BMJ gathered experts to discuss compassion in the health service. This is the discussion in full. Taking part are: Domhnall MacAuley, BMJ….
If patients living in one area have more diagnoses than those living in another, use more care, but have similar mortality rates, you would think they were simply sicker, but….
Andrew Witty is the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline. He’s been credited with taking on a pharma company with a history of behaving badly in the past – as shown by a….