Chaos theory: lessons on educating equality and leadership


Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion. Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary branch of mathematics focusing on dynamic systems whose ostensible disorder is influenced by regulations extremely vulnerable to early conditions. Education embraces three principal elements: curriculum, teaching and assessment. Each is a hot political topic, they run deep, for four collective reasons: personal, social, cultural and economical. The quest for equality in education requires collective synchronisation from each perspective, but at present no such harmony exists, in large measure because of chaos.

Swift career progression and national training number promotion demands steep learning curve trajectories from early year (phase I) trainees. But despite apparent parity of esteem in training programme selection, faced with frequent curriculum upgrades, stiff examination hurdles and hidden curricular variation, differential attainment burgeons and malady lurks.1 Forecasting behaviour is the holy grail of social science, yet prognostic accuracy is…

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