Role of Unani Medicine in Dumbal (Furuncles) Management: An Evidence-Based Case Report

Boils or furuncles are painful, pus-filled infections of hair follicles caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. These lesions begin as tender, red nodules that gradually enlarge and develop a central core of pus. Contributing factors include poor hygiene, compromised immunity, diabetes, and skin conditions leading to increased friction. In Unani medicine, boils are known as Dumbal attributed to an imbalance of Akhlāt (humours), particularly an excess of hot and moist humours. This imbalance causes harmful substances to accumulate in the blood, leading to skin inflammation. Unani treatment focuses on restoring humoural balance through dietary changes, herbal remedies, and blood purification. Key treatments include the use of Mufradāt with anti-inflammatory and blood-purifying properties, such as Shāhtra, Mundi, Amla, Burg-i-Nm, Burg-i-inā, Brahmdandi, Chāksū, Rasawt, Sarphūka, Gul-i-Surkh. Compound drugs Itriphal Shāhtra, Ma’jūn Ushba, Sharbat Unnāb, abb-i-Muaffi-i-Khūn, Arq-i-Mundi, Marham Safed Kāfūrī etc. are also used. Additionally regimenal therapies, like Hijama, Dalk, Abzan, Pashoya, Irsāl-i-Alaq etc. are employed.  This case report demonstrates that these Unani formulations are effective in managing furunculosis.

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