Dear Editor,
the journal has made a wise decision.
Pharmaceutical industry has many merits,but people in the developing world has developed a longevity never known before.
This is one the reasons why we are now 8 billion people on the earth.
Of course the number of old people is continously increasing and in parallel the number of people with dementia is increasing.
Alzheimer described the first case of a 51 year-old women he first saw 1901 in Frankfurt am Main.He performed microscopic studies of the brain of the deceased patient and found protien plaques (amyloid)1906 when he was in Munich chairing the department of psychiatry.
He then moved to Breslau where he was joined by Dr Creutzfeldt, who after the death of Alzheimer (1915) described a case of a much jounger patient who presented with dementia and died at the age of 23.
Alzheimer dementia,which was a very seldom disease, is a histologic diagnosis.Today every dementia is unfortunately called Alzheimer´´s disease .Release of a new drug promises big business even when consumption of alcoholic beverages is the most frequent cause of dementia.
Re: Why press releases don’t tell the whole story