New Delhi: A division bench of the Madras High Court on Tuesday stayed the operation of the orders of the Southern Regional Bench of the National Green Tribunal levying an interim compensation of Rs 10 crore on Sun Pharma for expanding its drug manufacturing unit in Maduranthagam allegedly without necessary environmental clearance from the authority concerned.
The bench of Justices V M Velumani and R Hemalatha granted the injunction while passing interim orders on an appeal from the pharmaceutical company.
Sun Pharma is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The company manufactures and markets a large basket of pharmaceutical formulations covering a broad spectrum of chronic and acute therapies. It includes generics, branded generics, specialty, complex or difficult-to-make technology-intensive products, over-the-counter (OTC), antiretrovirals (ARVs), Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), and Intermediates.
Read also: Sun Pharma, Dr Reddy’s Labs recall products in US over manufacturing issues