Uttar Pradesh: The Directorate General of Medical Education (UP DGME) announced the counseling schedule for BSc Nursing, MSc Nursing, and Post Basic BSc Nursing for the round 2 admission process.
Detailed schedule –
1. Online choice filling – till 5th December 2022, 2:00 pm
2. Results – 7th December 2022/ 8th December 2022
3. Allotment order download and joining – 9th December 2022 – 13th December 2022
Instruction –
1. All the candidates by themselves only verify their eligibility.
2. The candidates who have been allotted seats in round 1 and got admitted in the seat will be eligible for upgradation/choice filling.
3. The disability certificate has to be issued by the medical board formed by the government/autonomous colleges/universities.
4. The reservation certificate must be issued in the format the UP Government prescribes.
5. The candidates will not be informed individually about the counseling process, allotment, admission, etc. All the details will be published on the official website.
6. The admission process will be carried out according to the directions for NEET UG admission.
7. SAC (seat against cancellation) is a virtual seat. The purpose of the seat displayed under SAC is to take opinions from all category/sub-category candidates. During the allotment process, if any candidate’s seat is upgraded, then the seat of the candidates will go to the pre-entered seat category/ sub-category. This will be allotted to other candidates based on merit and options.
8. Actual Vacancies – The seats not allotted in Round 1, Not Reported in Round-I, and Resigned from Round 1.
9. Virtual Vacancies I SAC – Any candidates who have been admitted to seats in Round 1 and has opted for up-gradation in Round 2. that admitted seats of Round 1 will be shown as virtual vacancy in Round 2, and Candidates can fill the said seat during the choice tilling in Round 2. However, such seats will be allotted in Round 2 if they admit a candidate of Round 1 vacates/upgrades in Round 2.
10. After filling in the choice, the choice locking is compulsory. For choice locking, the same password has to be used, which was used for choice filling. If the candidates forget to do choice locking, they will not be allotted seats.
The medical education department plays a pivotal role in developing medical and para-medical personnel to cater to the state’s health needs. The department also has a role to play in establishing and maintaining well-equipped teaching institutions, which are the premier referral centers from peripheral hospitals.
To view the notice, click on https://medicaldialogues.in/pdf_upload/nursing-192721.pdf