Odisha: Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) informed about 2nd round of physical reporting and withdrawal of allotted seats for MBBS and BDS admission.
As per the notice, the 2nd round allotment for MBBS/BDS courses has been published. Candidates are advised to download their provisional allotment letter and take the necessary action as per OJEE / 571 dated 21.11.2022 (Schedule and Instructions for Physical Reporting and Provisional Admission of 2nd Round Counselling).
Candidates note that the last withdrawal date from OJEE counseling has been extended up to 24.11.2022 till 4.00 pm.
Auto-Upgradation / Sliding Round –
1. After completing the provisional admission of 2nd round of counseling, based on the unallotted, non-reported, and withdrawal cases, an Auto-Upgradation / Sliding Round of counseling shall be conducted.
2. Candidates who have been placed in the revised state merit list (2nd round) and still participating in OJEE counseling (either allotted or unallotted) shall be considered for auto-upgradation round based on their already filled choices in the 1st /2nd round, provided they choose “FLOAT” option.
3. But candidates, who were allotted seats in the 1st and 2nd rounds but not reported for provisional admission, shall get their allotments canceled. They will go out of the system and will not be considered for the Auto-Upgradation Round.
4. If a candidate opts for ‘float’ for this round and is upgraded, then they have to accept the newly allotted seat, and the seat allotted in the previous (2nd) round will be canceled. It will be allotted to other candidates as per merit.
5. The allotment of the Upgradation Round may be published on 26.11.2022 (tentative).
6. The candidates admitted at the end of the 2nd round of Central Counselling (All India Quota) are not eligible to participate in State Counselling. (As per NMC and Hon’ble Apex Court directives). Legal action / Penalty, besides cancellation of admission, as per the provisions, shall be initiated against any candidate doing so.
Consequent upon the provisions of the Odisha Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act,2007, the Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Committee was formed on the recommendation of the Policy Planning Body with due approval by the Government (Skill Development and Technical Education Department ) to hold Common Entrance Examinations and conduct counseling process for admission to various Undergraduate / Postgraduate Level Professional Courses in the State of Odisha.
To view the notice, click on https://medicaldialogues.in/pdf_upload/572-informationregardingauto-upgradationround221-191743.pdf.