Re: Ukraine war: The humanitarian crisis in Kharkiv

I Agree

Dear Editor

War in Ukraine – A doctor’s point of view.

As a medical doctor of 40 years’ standing, currently based in the UK, I am persuaded to write this response to call upon the entire medical fraternity to do all they can to end the carnage in Ukraine. As doctors we have a duty to preserve and promote life regardless of nationality, caste or creed. We are not merely agents of medicine simply meant to prescribe treatments and perform operations. In some situations, talking can be more useful than prescriptions or surgery to promote and preserve life. This is clearly one of those.

Ukraine has not done anything to deserve even a bullet. But look how far it has come. Events of the Second World War (German invasion of Poland) is being replayed right in front of our eyes shattering the bodies of thousands of innocent civilians – women and children. Russian aggression is prosecuted by a gang of powerful criminals with fingers on nuclear buttons. They are like thugs breaking into your home terrorising children, raping women, torturing and killing menfolk on an industrial scale. Environmental damage is huge too. I am sure doctors all over the world are upset but there is no forum for them to speak out. Are we waiting for confirmed evidence of atrocities before acting?

I am reminded of a story of a jungle which is relevant in this context; a tiger was attacking an antelope when a bystander intervened and asked the tiger what mistake the poor antelope had done to deserve this. The tiger immediately replied that the antelope stirred up the water up-stream which made it undrinkable. The poor creature clarified that it had not been to the stream at all. Then came the reply – in that case it must have been your father who had done it!

If it was for a new variant of COVID or any other new life-threatening bug in Ukraine, the international medical community would have mounted a huge response but in front of a violent disease like war which threatens many more lives and livelihoods we are silent. In fact, this war is worse than cancer! But interestingly cure is straight forward and easily achievable with 100 percent results. What a paradox!

In the first instance all the members of BMA could be offered a suitable badge that can display our support to Ukraine. We should also try to establish links with doctor organisations of other countries worldwide and create awareness among all custodians of life and health. Hopefully more politicians and general public will join the chorus.

John Kuriakose MS FRCS – Vascular Surgeon and BMA member.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2022 – 11:08
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Re: Ukraine war: The humanitarian crisis in Kharkiv

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John Athappilly
Vascular surgeon – United Kingdom
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