New Delhi: AIIMS has released the List of the qualified candidates for Stage-II (Departmental Assessment) for AIIMS Seats through the institute of National Importance Super-Speciality (INI-SS) Test for DM/MCh./MD-Hospital Administration Courses for January 2023 Session.
List of candidates called for Stage-II (Departmental Assessment) in respective applied course for AIIMS seat under Institute of National Importance Super-Speciality (INI-SS) Online (CBT) Test for DM/MCh./MDHospital Administration Courses for January 2023 Session is attached below.
The following candidates, who have appeared in the Entrance Examination held on Sunday, the 06th November, 2022 for DM/MCh and MD (Hospital Administration) Courses for January 2023 Session and qualified in Stage- I have been shortlisted for appearing in Departmental Clinical/ Practical / Lab Based Assessment through video conferencing mode only for courses at AIIMS. This shortlisted candidates list has been prepared on the basis of details provided by the candidates at the time of online registration and as per rules mentioned in the prospectus forshortlisting of candidates for Departmental Assessment.
The date(s) of Stage II (Departmental Assessment) are indicated against each course. The details of video conferencing platform and timing of the Assessment shall be communicated to the candidates on their registered email id by the respective Departments.
Important instructions :
1. The above results are declared on the basis of the latest seat position as mentioned in the Prospectus and notified vide different notices/addendum/ corrigendum published in the website for courses at AIIMS (All AIIMS)
2. For each course candidates who fulfill eligibility criteria (on preliminary scrutiny subject to verification), three (3) times the number of seats advertised for all AIIMS or (2) two times the total number of seat advertised for all INIs which is higher has been called for departmental assessment (20 marks) related to the course for which the candidate has applied in respective department for all AIIMS through video conferencing mode only. The total number called may vary depending upon the number of qualified candidates and tie cases.
3. The above candidates are required to upload the scanned copies (from 15-11-2022 to 17-11-2022) of the following certificates/documents (as applicable) on AIIMS website ( through My Page using their credentials for login:
i. Matriculation Certificate(Showing date of birth)
ii. Graduation Certificate
iii. Post-graduation certificate
iv. Certificate / Documents in support of Ex-Army Personnel / Ex-Serviceman/ Commissioned Officer Including ECO, SSCO
v. Any other certificate / document as mentioned in the Prospectus for the respective courses.
4. The facility for uploading certificates / documents will be available from 15th November, 2022 onwards. The Last date for uploading Certificate/Documents is 17th November, 2022 upto 5:00 P.M. Hard copies / photocopies of the documents/certificates are NOT required to be sent to the Examination Section, AIIMS, New Delhi. In case the documents are not uploaded by 5.00 PM on 17th November, 2022, the candidature will be considered as cancelled / withdrawn and no communication will be entertained in this regard. Therefore candidates, in their own interest are requested not to wait till the last moment to upload the necessary certificates / documents.
All original certificates/documents will be verified at the time of Joining. Candidature shall be cancelled, if found incorrect at any stage.
All candidates are also required to note that selection/outcome of the Examination is subject to fulfillment of eligibility, production of all original certificates/documents and other requirement as mentioned in the Prospectus.
(Please mention your subject name, Subject Code and Candidate ID No. on top side of every page of the uploaded document.)