NEET Admissions: OJEE begins Registration For Round 2 Counselling, details

Odisha: Through a recent notice, the Odisha Joint Entrance Test (OJEE), has informed about the Registration for Second Round of OF OJEE Counselling for MBBS/BDS Courses.

The registration for 2nd Round of Counselling for MBBS / BDS courses started from 7th November, 2022. Candidates, who have qualified in NEET(UG) – 2022, but did not register themselves in the 1st round, may register and participate in this 2nd Round counselling.The newly registered candidates, who successfully get their documents verified and are placed in the Revised State Merit List (after 2nd round registration), have to fill and lock choices within due date and time as per counselling schedule.

Unallotted candidates of 1st round and candidates who were allotted seats in first round but not reported for admission, have to fill and lock fresh sets of choices within due date and time. It may be noted that the choices, filled by these candidates in the earlier round, shall be null and void. So, unless they fill and lock fresh choices for 2nd round, it will be assumed that they are not interested to participate in counselling and they shall go out of the system.

Candidates, who after taking admission in the first round, have exercised the option of freeze or float, are not required to do any additional choice filling for the second round and thus, shall not be given a fresh option for filling choices. Candidates who have given ‘freeze’ as option, will retain their first-round allotments, while the allotments of the candidates who have given ‘float’ as their option may be upgraded or retained depending on their rank and the availability of seat as per choice.

Candidates, who registered themselves as General candidates in the 1st round, but are now interested to convert to NRI category and the candidates who want to change their domicile status, must report at the OJEE Office, Bhubaneswar, with all relevant original documents, during 9th – 10th November (till 5.00 PM) 2022 positively.

To view the official Notice, Click here :

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