Proteins that kill bacteria could lead to more intelligent medications

According to researchers from The Australian National University, the immune system’s specific group of bacteria-killing proteins may hold the key to creating smarter, more potent medications that can cure certain infectious diseases like meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis (ANU).

The guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs), which are immunological proteins, have been shown by the ANU researchers to have the ability to directly bind to and eradicate particular kinds of bacteria in a recent study published in Nature Communications.

These killer proteins can be combined with currently available antibiotics to give doctors more alternatives for treating specific infectious diseases, in addition to laying the groundwork for brand-new therapies.

The John Curtin School of Medical Research’s (JCSMR) Shouya Feng, the study’s lead author and a Ph.D. student, explained that this particular protein’s mechanism of action involves “busting open” bacteria, which is analogous to an axe splitting wood in two, destroying the membrane, and killing the organism.

“Our immune system has tools at its disposal that can wipe out pathogens. When germs or other foreign objects enter our bodies, our immune system mounts a defence “explained Ms. Feng.

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