Women’s health and gender inequalities – The science of women’s health

It’s been 25 years since the declaration on the rights of women, was signed in Beijing – and in that time the landscape of health car inequity has changed. To celebrate we created 3 podcasts, in collaboration with The WHO and UN University, as part of the collection on Women’s Health and Gender Inequalities


In these podcasts we’ll be hosting conversations between women early in, and some who are more advanced in, their careers – doctors, researchers, legislators and campaigners, all working towards building a future in which women can thrive.

As well as these in depth discussions, you will hear some shorter interviews from experts who have written for the collection. These give you a flavour of the bigger discussions going on in global health when it comes to gender equity – so keep an ear out for those during the discussions.

In this first podcast, Lulit Yonas Mengesha talks to Cara Tannenbaum

Lulit Yonas Mengesha is right at the beginning of her medical career, she’s a medical student in Ethiopia, but has already become passionate about woman’s health

Cara Tannenbaum is is Scientific Director of the Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Lulit and Cara discuss how women have been excluded from healthcare research – and how that affects practice today, how there are gaps in our understanding of basic biology, as well as how different life experiences affect outcomes.

The additional interviews are from; Lavanya Vijayasingham, Claudia Lopes, and Claire Wenham

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